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Heraldry by Time Traveller Magazine

New Research Suggests That Heraldry May Not Have Started As Expected (on location, 1290)

      Heraldry as we know it probably did not stem from a sudden need to recognize people on the battlefield. It may have become useful for heralds to identify knights in full armour, but the earliest mention of a herald is about one failing to correctly identify someone by their arms, and most non-Templar battles were badly planned in the middle ages, with armies just rushing at each other in an attempt to kill some people and force others to run away. Instead, heraldry began as a mixture of artistic choice by knights to make their shields unique, and elements added to the shield to reinforce it. A cross, for example, may have strengthened the shield by proving reinforcing struts. Only after the development of heraldry did it become a means of identification, showing class and values. Some heraldic banners use badges for identification, and these, rallying points, are well known by all, unlike individual shields. The badges are based off of coats of arms, although they may be slightly different.

Sebastian Winslow, Historian

About Time Traveller Magazine's Heraldry Project

Time Traveller Magazine (or TTM for short), operates by using state-of-the-art time machines to send journalists back in time. this project was started after an agreement with the government to allow four journalists (a sportswriter, a historian, an arts reporter, and our foreign reporter, to travel back in time between the year 1100 and the present day. These four journalists have made a total of five trips back in time, and we have incorporated their reports, along with information from other historians, into the website you see before you. Please enjoy.

Michelangelo Octavius, Editor-in-Chief

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Contact us at contact@ttmagazine.co.uk, or go to our website at http://ttmagazine.co.uk. Due to time machine error, our office is currently not available, although it should appear in London within the next decade. For this reason we cannot provide a mailing address, although if you would like to subscribe to our magazine please contact us at the email shown and we will arrive on your doorstep to take payment (debit, credit, or cash) and we will drop off the magazine at your doorstep once a month until you wish to cancel the plan. Canadian, American, or Australian Dollars, Euros, or Pounds Sterling are accepted. Prices are available on our website in your local currency (USD by default).