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A Latin Article Obviously Found Hundreds of Years Ago

Blazonry est ars describens tunicam armis. Blazons sunt saepe satis simplex, ut par est, in rebus, quae repraesentant. Si te scire nomina symbola vis scribere blazon enim, quam vos sunt maxime modo ad habens blazon scriptum est! Est solet enim scriptor de blazon ad speciem coloribus criminibus et de aliis elementis, post nomen et habitum, et in loco ante. Sequens praecepta grammatica est commendatur, ut is mos planto vestri blazon minus technica lingua et magis aliquid, quod unus velit, ut legitur.

(Slightly More Modern Translation)

Blazonry is the art of describing a coat of arms. Blazons art oft quite simple, to match the achievements yond they represent. If 't be true thee knoweth the names of the symbols thee wish to writeth a blazon for, than thou art most of the way to having the blazon writ! t is usual f'r the writer of the blazon to specify the colours of charges and of other elements after the name and attitude, and the position beforehand. Following the rules of grammar is reccomended, as 'twill maketh thy blazon less technical language and moo something yond one would wish to readeth

Blazonry is the art of describing a coat of arms. Blazons are often quite simple, to match the achievements that they represent. If you know the names of the symbols you wish to write a blazon for, than you are most of the way to having the blazon written! It is usual for the writer of the blazon to specify the colours of charges and of other elements after the name and attitude, and the position beforehand. Following the rules of grammar is reccomended, as it will make your blazon less technical language and more something that one would wish to read.